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What to do when you get bad service

June 01, 2022
What to do when you get bad service

Did you know? Poor services make our mental and physical health sick , affecting our home or company.

In the blog, Zenvia explains that bad service destroys consumer expectations and harms all those customers who are looking for better service. For these reasons, many clients make the decision to change the provider regardless of the investment consequences, only their peace of mind and getting good quality service.

For Accenture Strategy, it was revealed that 65% of those surveyed reported feeling upset and frustrated; when they do not fulfill what was promised in their advertisements, one could say "misleading advertising."

The most advisable thing when you get a bad service is to act immediately and request a complaint or claim, to solve that problem that affects your entire environment and that, in the end, does not affect your health . They should generate compensation appropriate to your needs, rewarding all errors made. If in the end no solution is reached, you should change providers to one that guarantees satisfaction in each service and an effective solution.

For what reasons does it cause frustration when purchasing a bad service?

We all know that when obtaining a service quality and security are sought, if the expectations provided by the server are not met, the client looks for a way to get the company's attention, no matter what emotions come to the surface.

Clients' negative emotions are evidenced by stress and denial, affecting their mental states and physical health, creating feelings of tension due to lack of customer service. In the end, what is sought is for the product to speak for itself about its benefits and generate well-being. That sometimes provide unique experiences connecting with the client's imagination about that service.

What differentiates ZK from other technology services?

At ZK it offers a service that satisfies the client's needs by making it part of each process, marking its difference through the quality of its services, turning each obstacle into an opportunity for team growth.

For the company it is important to make the difference between good service or quality service, because for them their focus is on the quality of the services provided. Generating memorable experiences that make your customers feel the need to obtain more from your services and generate their recommendations.

In these 17 years it has been characterized by changing those emotions that affect its clients, showing how crucial their requests are in each process. ZK seeks to create experiences that connect with its Mission and Vision, with words and images they have designed a theme on their social networks, so that their clients know the benefits it provides, since for the organization it is essential to show the truthfulness of each publication with empathy and effectiveness, reaching all those clients or those companies that seek that quality in their services.

Very soon they will launch great solutions in service and technology, giving their clients the opportunity to obtain a service that satisfies all those needs, building a service that does not generate frustration or fear.

Web Reference

Bad Service: what it is, how to avoid it and 6 common mistakes
Gonzales Jorge. September 25, 2015. Negative emotions in the customer experience.

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