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What is life quality?

September 01, 2022
 What is life quality?

Schalock (1996) defines quality of life as the reflection of the living conditions desired by the person, in relation to eight needs: emotional well-being, interpersonal relationships, material well-being, personal development, physical well-being, self-determination, social inclusion and rights.
(Also: quality of life in ZK)

We will start by explaining how we go about obtaining these benefits. To obtain a better quality of life, you must start by changing negative thoughts into positive thoughts, since by law we all have the right to acquire all these benefits.

What benefits are they? Decent work, education, safety and well-being, skills training, sports and much more, with the aim of strengthening society individually and as a group.

So why don't humans like to get this benefit? It could be said that many people in the world base their history on frustration and denial, without seeing difficulties as great opportunities.

There is a great saying: if lemons fall from the sky, learn to make lemonade, but in society lemons are the opportunities that allow us to move towards the success of a personal goal, and if we do not want lemons we can choose variety, we just need to understand that Quality of life is a condition of ourselves.

Another writer and philosopher; Aristotle said that the quality of life; in which most people conceive the 'good life' as the same as being happy.

Based on that idea from Aristotle and Schalock; We could say that the definition of quality of life is to enjoy gratifying moments that generate profit and the benefit of sharing with our loved ones without activating diseases such as stress and anxiety.

In conclusion, in the end all those moments are what fill our lives, regardless of the difficulties, because we all have the right to enjoy a quality of life in a pleasant way.

One of the ways it can affect us is to obtain a poor quality product or service, directly affecting our health as it is; stress, bad temper and others. Affecting our quality of life.

At ZK our objective as a company is through our products and services to contribute to improving your quality of life. We invite you to verify the importance of well-being and thus improve your quality of life.


Amérigo, M. (1993). Quality of life. Judgments of satisfaction and happiness as attitudinal indicators of well-being. Journal of Social Psychology, 8 , 1, 101-110.

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